Director - Choreographer - Performer - Teacher
'Breathe Your Ground'
A workshop for actors or dancers with an inquisitive body and mind, willing to embody their full potential as performance artist.
Led by Sophie Bortolussi, a Punchdrunk performer and award winning artist, director and choreographer
'Breathe Your Ground'
A workshop for actors or dancers with an inquisitive body and mind, willing to embody their full potential as performance artist.
Led by Sophie Bortolussi, a Punchdrunk performer and award winning artist, director and choreographer
Led by Sophie Bortolussi, a Punchdrunk performer and award winning artist, director and choreographer
And for Actors or dancers with an inquisitive body and mind, willing to embody their full potential as performance artist.
'Immersed in space' is focused on devising immersive, site specific-responsive work. The workshop explores the relationship between space, audience and performer. It challenges the role of an audience, encourages experimentation with various performance technique and questions how to structure a dramatic scene in response to an architecture. It looks at status dynamic between performers and audience, and how the relationship to space is crucial to that effect.
'Me, Us, Them- Together in space' is centered on embodiment exploration and physical training of actors or dancers. This includes partnering work with other bodies and objects, but also focused on how to interact with audience, and how physical clarity allows to move and "control" audience with ease and comfort for both performers and audience.
'Breathe your ground' explores experiential anatomy. It is accessible to actors, dancers, directors and writers alike. It is based on a somatic approach to movement allowing actors to unravel the potency of their physicality, dancers to refine and focus their proprioceptive and kinesthetic attention, directors to develop a connection to their instinct and writers to connect their writing impulse to physical and internal state. For all, experiential anatomy diversifies and expands the roots of expression, creativity and inspiration.
TO BE ANNOUNCED, 2015 Fall workshop series in London, 2016 Winter workshop in NYC, 2016 Spring workhsop in L.A.
For upcoming workshop, stay tuned by contacting me at: sophieborto[at]yahoo[dot]fr or CLICK HERE
Sophie Bortolussi
Director - Choreographer - Performer - Teacher